Monday, April 13, 2009

Work Panoramics

Work in Progress

Work in Progress...

This past week, about Wednesday and Thursday, they removed the forms off of the walls. Then on Good Friday, the workers came and "tarred" the basement walls....sealant for protection from weather conditions, so they look black on the outside now. On Saturday, the day before Easter, we had a "church work day" and several volunteered their time and shovels to dig the trench around the basement so the plumbing can be put in. Tonight, they were supposed to haul in the pea-gravel for it, but I guess that is off for tonight...the weather is very chilly...more like fall than spring...and we were expecting rain. So far, that has bypassed us! Looking forward to the next phase! I'm posting another slideshow of the recent work.

Friday, April 3, 2009



Thursday, 4-2-09, the crew finished putting up the forms and then about 1:30 or 2 p.m., brought in 4 concrete trucks and a lot of workers. Poured basement walls....has to set at least 12 hours...they said they will leave them up longer just to make sure. Today, they are supposed to remove the forms from around the walls....then we will see what it really looks like. The plumbing comes next....YAY!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1, 2009: This is no April Fool's Joke!

The forms are just about all in place....they will finish in the morning. Plans are to pour the basement walls tomorrow afternoon. We're very excited; can't wait to see it! God truly is "bigger than all our problems, bigger than anything, God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see." Without Him, none of this would be possible.

Another panoramic shot

The forms are up in place ready for the concrete to be poured.