Friday, February 26, 2010

Framing Basement

Pouring Basement Floor

It has been quite a while since I got on here and updated! SORRY! Time flies....

December 21, 2009, we found a couple of days that weren't extremely freezing and were able to pour the concrete floor in the basement. The uncle of one of our church members was so kind to us and donated propane and propane heaters to use to help heat the floor AND the workers~ :)

My Dad, Bro. White, has been spending many hours working on framing the walls. Last week, we were fortunate to have Bro. Elvin Anthony and Bro. Justin Anthony from Bellevue, along with a guy in their church, Bro. Tim Locklear, come and help frame some walls. With the four of them working, they got quite a lot accomplished. Tomorrow, February 27, the church is having a work day and hope to get most of the rest of the basement framed!

We want to have the framing finished before Monday. Bro. Harold Park, a master electrician from Bro. Wallace's church in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, has offered to come Monday and bring one or two men with him to help put in our electricity! He has volunteered to donate his labor for a couple of weeks. We are so blessed! God is looking out for us! We plan to take care of them while they are here and feed them some good meals!!! : ) We are grateful to the Wallace's for being so gracious to let him come for so long!

Our plan now is to try to complete the basement to go ahead and use it for church while we continue to finish the main level. Once we get the basement finished, we will have a kitchen for dinners, a fellowship hall for church services, and five sunday school rooms, as well as bathrooms. We are excited for what God is doing!!!